The hunting tactics used to take a wiley old spring gobbler have changed drastically over the past 20 years due to the ever-increasing amount of hunting pressure. Even though the number of wild turkeys has increased throughout the United States over the past decade, the difficulty factor in taking a spring gobbler has increased as well. The turkey hunter of the nineties has to be much more mobile covering a larger area than ever before in his search for a hot and willing gobbler. He also has to know what to do and when to do it at the “SPUR OF THE MOMENT!”

Join five-time World Champion caller, MARK DRURY, as he and his brother, TERRY DRURY, show a cut-n-run style of gobbler hunting that is sure to strike some hot gobblers. You will also join World Champion STEVE STOLTZ, M.A.D. Call Production Manager TAD BROWN, and the rest of the DRURY OUTDOORS squad as they take trophy toms at the “SPUR OF THE MOMENT.”

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Music provided by Epidemic Sound
